Betsy's Nutritional Consulting
Eddie's Health Shoppe (5% in-store discount with 865 RUNNING & an additional 5% if you're in their rewards system!)
Mountain High Outfitters Turkey Creek
The Long Run (10% in-store discount with 865 Running at checkout)
Runner's Market (10% in-store discount with 865 Running at checkout)
FREE Women's Bootcamp--FIA Knoxville
Monday-Saturday. Bring a yoga mat, resistance band, and some free weights
FREE Men's Bootcamp-- F3 Knoxville
Open to men of all fitness levels. Check their website for locations & times.
FREE Workout--
Old City Athletic Club First Saturday of every month 9AM
Landing Fitness Last Saturday of every month 930am
Spartan Training
Official Spartan Workout Plans
Dance Fitness--
Dance Fitness with Jessica
***No Childcare Available
***Try to get there 15-30mins early for check-in!
Pilates Jill | Knoxville Yoga & Fitness Instructor
Kickball/Sportsball leagues--
Outdoor Equipment Rentals-- Visit Knoxville
Group Swimming--
Tuesdays 6PM Rocky Top Multisport Club at Mead's Quarry
Thursdays 6PM Knoxville Open Water Swimmers at Suttree Landing Park Landing
Group Bike Rides-- Local shops & group rides
Steps to getting USATF certification
Officials | USA Track & Field (
Once you've completed certification, email Bryan Brown
10% off your home inspection using code 865RUNNING
Contact: David Kesterson
Cell: (865) 256-0576
New2Knox: Discover all the hidden gems in Knoxville
Fun with Friends Knoxville ( A Knoxville-based social activities group